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When interacting with others we tend to tell, talk and take too much. Telling, talking and taking don’t make us happier – asking, listening and giving do. Ask, listen and give. These three simple habits strengthen our relationships with others, and stronger relationships (not more fame, fortune or achievement) are the real keys to greater happiness.

The Lee’s 3 Habits system helps motivated people build stronger relationships and achieve greater happiness:

  • Start by watching the 3-minute micro-movie about Lee's transformation.


  • Then read the 30-minute handbook.


  • For a guided learning experience, schedule a 90-minute workshop for your group.


“One of life’s irrefutable laws is . . . stronger relationships and greater happiness take work. That’s why I’m so excited about the Lee’s 3 Habits system that Paul Corona and Eddie Rosas created to help us actually do the work. It’s short, it’s simple, and . . . it works!”

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

New York Times and Wall Street Journal #1 bestselling author

Thinkers50 Hall of Fame inductee

World’s top leadership coach 

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Copyright © 2024 - Dr. Paul L. Corona and Eddie Rosas - All rights reserved
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